This image is courtesy of Gilbert Engler, INRA Sophia-Antipolis. When using this image for publication, please 1) Acknowledge G. Engler for providing the data 2) Mention that these data are provided under ANR DIAMOND 3) Put in the image caption a copyright INRA. ********************* Description: Coupes optiques à travers une racine d'Arabidopsis (arabette rameuse ou fausse arabette) montrant plusieurs cellules épidermales et corticales avec un marquage en vert des microtubules filamenteux qui forment le cytosquelette cortical présent dans chaque cellule de la racine. Optical sections throughout the root of an Arabidopsis plant (thale cress or mouse-ear cress) showing epidermal and cortical cells with their filamentous microtubules labelled in green that build up the cortical cytoskeleton present in each root cell.