- 2012-01/2015: Paris-Est University, France
PhD student in Singal Processing at Institut Gaspard Monge
Topic: Sparse representations for seismic wave fields restoration and quantitative analysis.
- 2009-2011: Aix-Marseille 1 University, France
Master degree in Applied Mathematics
- 2003-2007: Hanoi National University of Education, Viet Nam
Bachelor in Mathematics
Professional experiences
- 04/2018-now: INRIA-Rennes, France
Post-doc in InterCom project
Topic: Massive random access to subsets of compressed correlated data.
- 12/2016-02/2018: IsTerre, France
Post-doc in MUDSLIDES project
Topic: Slow-moving landslides detection from satellite image time-series.
- 03/2015-11/2016: GIPSA-Lab, France
Post-doc in ARMADA project
Topic: Acoustic Source Separation and Localization.
- 2012 – 2014: UPEMLV, France
Teaching assistant to IMAC1, IMAC2 and EEA Meca students in algebra and signal processing courses.
- 04/2011 – 09/2011: DSM / IRFM CEA Cadarache, France
Topic: Analyse et traitement des signaux d'un réflectomètre radar destiné à la mesure du profile
de densité électronique d'un plasma de fusion.
- 01/2011 – 03/2011: Aix-Marseille 1 University, France
Topic: Comparaison de méthodes de débruitage en traitement de l'image
- English: reading, writing and speaking.
- French: reading, writing and speaking.
- Vietnamese: mother language.