Porquerolles 2009 - Program

Full program in pdf
Presentation summaries in pdf

Monday, June 8th

11:00-12:15   Registration
12:15-14:00   Lunch
14:00-14:30   Claude Comtat, The role of image reconstruction algorithms in positron emission tomography
14:30-15:00  Yves Goussard, Non-Linear X-ray CT Reconstruction From Real Data
15:00-15:15   Coffee break
15:15-15:45   Andrew Reader, Spectral Analysis Approaches To 4D Image Reconstruction Algorithms For Dynamic Positron Emission Tomography
15:45-16:15   Dimitri Van de Ville, Wavelets Tailored to Functional Imaging: Applications to fMRI and Dynamic PET
16:15-16:45   Philippe Ciuciu, Unsupervised wavelet-based regularization in parallel MRI reconstruction
19:00   Welcome reception

Tuesday, June 9th

9:30-10:00   Albert Cohen, Theory and algorithms for anisotropic triangulations with applications to image representations
10:00-10:30   Ron DeVore, Decoding in Compressed Sensing
10:30-10:45   Coffee break
10:45-11:15   Jalal Fadili, Dequantizing Compressed Sensing: Sparse recovery with non-Gaussian constraints
11:15-11:45   Massimo Fornasier, Iteratively re-weighted least square methods for sparse optimization
11:45-12:15   Gabriel Peyré, Compressive Wave Computation
12:15-14:00   Lunch
14:00-14:30   Ali Mohammad-Djafari, Gauss-Markov-Potts Priors for Images in Computer Tomography Resulting to Joint Reconstruction and segmentation
14:30-15:00   Stanley Osher, New Algorithms in Information Science
15:00-15:15   Coffee break
15:15-15:45   Marc Sigelle, SAR Image Regularization with Graph-Cuts Based Fast Approximate Discrete Minimization
15:45-16:15   Michael Unser, Fast multi-level reconstruction of biomedical images using wavelet sparsity constraints
16:15-16:30   Break
16:30-17:15   Panel discussion

Wednesday, June 10th

9:30-10:00   Christine de Mol, A fast gradient projection algorithm for l1-constrained signal recovery
10:00-10:30   Jérôme Idier, Algorithms for image restoration and reconstruction making use of the MM principle
10:30-10:45   Coffee break
10:45-11:15   Dirk Lorenz, First order methods for non-smooth convex optimization: Proximal forward-backward splitting and generalized gradient methods
11:15-11:45   Marc Teboulle, Fast Gradient-Based Schemes for Total Variation Minimization
11:45-12:15   Isao Yamada, Signal Processing Applications of a pair of simple Fixed Point Algorithms
12:15-14:00   Lunch
14:00-14:30   Jacques Froment, Self-similarity of images in the context of the non-local means filter
14:30-15:00   Valérie Perrier, The Empirical Mode Decomposition: a new formulation based on Constrained Optimization
15:00-15:15   Coffee break
15:15-15:45   Aleksandra Pizurica, On spatial priors in multiresolution image denoising: from local spatial activity indicators to MRF and MPGSM models
15:45-16:15   Gabriele Steidl, Removing Multiplicative Noise By Douglas-Rachford Splitting Methods
19:45   Banquet

Thursday, June 11th

9:30-10:00   Russell Luke, Iterated Proximal Operators: Novel Perspectives and Applications
10:00-10:30   Francois Malgouyres, Average Performance of the sparsest approximation using a dictionary
10:30-10:45   Coffee break
10:45-11:15   Stanley Osher (joint with Jianwei (John) Miao), Iterative algorithm for tomographic image reconstruction
11:15-11:45   Mario Figueiredo, Recent Advances in Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding
11:45-12:15   Joel Trussell, Building Look-up Tables of Sparsely Sampled Color Signals
12:15-14:00   Lunch
14:00-14:30   Caroline Chaux, Hybrid regularization for data restoration
14:30-15:00   Alvaro R. De Pierro, From Projection Methods for Feasibility to their Extension for General Convex Nondifferentiable Constrained Optimization: Applications in Emission Computed Tomography
15:00-15:15   Coffee break
15:15-15:45   Gabor Herman, Finitely Convergent Sequential Algorithms and Their Applications to Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy
15:45-16:15   Pierre Maréchal, Issues in Thermoacoustic Tomography
16:15-16:30   Break
16:30-17:15   Panel discussion

Friday, June 12th

9:00-9:30   Antonin Chambolle, Computing minimal partitions
9:30-10:00   Patrick Louis Combettes, Fenchel-Rockafellar dualization of signal recovery problems
10:00-10:30   Elena Resmerita, On regularization methods of EM-Kaczmarz type
10:30-10:45   Coffee break
12:15-14:00   Lunch
Contact caroline.chauxAtuniv-paris-est.fr